51 minutes | Aug 22, 2023

AI's Revolutionary Role in Health with Robin Farmanfarmaian

What if you could take charge of your life like a CEO? What if you can be the boss of your own health? In this episode, we will open the path to health, leadership, and personal transformation. Today, we will welcome Robin Farmanfarmaian, a professional speaker and entrepreneur driving high-level business development for cutting-edge medical and biotech companies poised to impact 100M patients. With over 180 speaking engagements in 15 countries, she educates audiences on technology, the future of healthcare, patient empowerment, building thought leadership, and more. Robin shares the challenges of having Crohn's disease to stepping into the role of a proactive CEO of our lives, the revolutionary impact of AI in healthcare and exploring the technological frontiers that transform the landscape of well-being, and the keys to success for female entrepreneurs and unlocking the thought leader formula for inspiring others.
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