16 minutes | Nov 29, 2022

BONUS: Reflecting on HAANDS and the future of our pod

We’re back from the Historic African American Neighborhood and District Summit and we’re still buzzing! Deqah and Vanessa discuss the many things they learned about preservation-based economic development — and gush over the great people they met who are working to help their communities stay in place, connect with their past, and thrive into the future.

Our experience at the summit really crystallized the importance of storytelling when it comes to preserving communities of color. We have so many ideas for future episodes; we just need support from listeners like you to make them a reality.  If you believe that the work we do matters, and want to see more of it, please donate to our PayPal page or Venmo. If you donate today , your donation will be matched. 

If you want to know more about HAANDS, check out our previous conversation with co-founder Elijah Davis.


Thank you to Claudia Polley and Krista Weatherholt of the Urban Legacy Lands Initiative who made our trip to Atlanta to attend the summit possible. Thanks to HAANDS co-founders Elijah Davis of Urban Impact and Lejuano Varnell of Sweet Auburn Works. This episode was edited by Vanessa Quirk and mixed by Connor Lynch. Our music is by Adaam James Levin-Areddy. Your hosts are Deqah Hussein-Wetzel and Vanessa Quirk.

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