66 minutes | Sep 2, 2020

Overcoming Fears and Trusting Your Inner Voice with Sara Ayers

In today's episode, I talk with Sara Ayers, founder of The Base Body Co., a company that created organic and vegan adaptogenic wellness powders to help you cope with the stressful realities of our environment and culture.
Topics Discussed:
Increasing your intuition and trusting your inner voice;
Being a female founder and overcoming fears of being judged;
Defining yourself by your work;
Coping with the "hustle" culture of the wellness industry;
Daily rituals to stay grounded
Being gifted spell books and love potions as a child;
Incorporating sound meditation through music;
Dating intuitively;
The importance of mentorship; and
Learning how to stand up for yourself.
Relevant Links:
The Base Body Co. https://thebasebodyco.com/ & https://www.instagram.com/thebasebodyco/
https://www.amazon.com/Dark-Side-Light-Chasers-Reclaiming/dp/1594485259 by Debbie Ford
https://www.myhumandesign.com/ , human design reader
As always, thank you to https://www.instagram.com/goodcompanymgmt/ and https://moseycreative.com/ for the music on my podcast.
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