43 minutes | Aug 5, 2022

"Summer Renaissance" + Beyoncè, The Idea of Billionaire Status, Facebook Posts That Must Be Stopped, Toxic Twitter, + Joe Manganiello

This week your girls kick off the episode by talking about their weekend and the recent Powerball Jackpot that has everyone, including celebrities in a frenzy and the idea of people reaching ‘Billionaire’ status . We then discuss Beyoncè blessing us with the album we’ll be playing for the rest of our lives and spoiler alert: WE LOVE IT,a wild Facebook post that has us questioning once again are men followed by the ridiculousness of @toxichoodboys on Twitter, before ending the episode with a revelation regarding Joe Manginellos family tree we don’t think we could’ve ever predicted .

Please make sure to subscribe so you don't miss any episodes and as always, send in the topics and questions you'll love us to speak about to hosts@talktousnice.com

Socials: Instagram: @talktousnicepodcast, TikTok: @talktousnicepodcast 
Personals: @mikaadeniran, Kelsey_mckoy
Twitter: @TalkToUsNice, @SignedMAK Kelsey_mckoy

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