73 minutes | Dec 9, 2020

Eyewitness Beauty

Clark interviews “Necessaire” and “Into the Gloss” co-founder Nick Axelrod-Welk, and Former VP Brand of “Glossier,” Annie Kreighbaum. Nick and Annie also co-host the popular beauty podcast, “Eyewitness Beauty.” Nick details his own journey with the beauty world, starting as an assistant at the fashion based newspaper, WWD. Clark asks Annie about her writing career in the beauty space. Clark, Nick, and Annie discuss the rise of e-commerce, which made beauty products more attainable. Clark asks Nick and Annie about being the brains behind various brand building marketing campaigns. Nick discusses how gendered beauty products have been, and why his brand “Necessaire” took a nonbinary approach. Clark reveals his personal journey with make-up. Nick and Annie talk through both the joys and the shortcomings within the beauty industry. Finally, Nick and Anne shares what is currently healing their mind, body and spirit—their Soul Balm.
Executive produced by Clark Moore
Co-Executive produced by Simone Spira
Produced by Liz McDonnell
Soul Balm is a Paradoxical Production.
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