36 minutes | Aug 1, 2023

Reboot of “Investing in Climate Action: What Canada Can Learn from the US”

As another wildfire season blankets Canada and the U.S. with smoke, air quality is worsening, and the summers are only getting hotter. Some of Canada’s most populous cities even topped the rankings when it comes to the worst air quality on the planet. 

That’s why we’re highlighting an important episode of Disruptors, an RBC Podcast, focused on spending on climate action. August 16th marks exactly one year since President Joe Biden signed into law the almost $370-billion Inflation Reduction Act — America’’s largest ever investment in green technology. But how and where can that money be spent for maximum impact? And what should Canada do now that its own coffers have been topped up thanks to the 2023 Federal Budget?

Listen in as host John Stackhouse chats with two leaders who are collectively responsible for investing billions of dollars in green tech; Dr. Andrew Steer, President and CEO of the Bezos Earth Fund, and Eli Aheto, a Managing Director at BeyondNetZero, a new climate venture from General Atlantic. It’s a fascinating conversation that’s only becoming more relevant with record heat temperatures being set by the day.

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