61 minutes | Mar 14, 2022

Nick Kroll and Brandon Kyle Goodman Have Emotional Meetings with Human Resources

Human Resources, a spinoff of the Netflix show Big Mouth, is a very honest, truthful, and illuminating program about how mental and emotional health operate. It’s well-researched and displays depth and accuracy. And all of that might be surprising given that it’s full of extremely horny monsters, panicky mosquitoes, ambition gremlins and a ton of other cartoon creatures. And just so much extremely graphic talk about sex and bodily functions. So much, you guys. But the show is smart and anyone who has dealt with a mental health obstacle might spot something relatable in the show. We’re joined by Nick Kroll, co-creator of the show, and Brandon Kyle Goodman, a writer and consultant on it, both of whom also act in Human Resources. We find out how they took some fairly abstract mental health notions and turned them into cartoon characters.

Watch Human Resources on Netflix on March 18th and watch Big Mouth now. Follow Nick Kroll and Brandon Kyle Goodman on Twitter @nickkroll and @brandonkgood. Follow Nick on Instagram @nickkroll and check out Brandon Kyle Goodman's Messy Mondays at his Instagram @brandonkylegoodman.

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International suicide hotline numbers available here: https://www.opencounseling.com/suicide-hotlines

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John's acclaimed memoir, The Hilarious World of Depression, is available here. https://read.macmillan.com/lp/the-hilarious-world-of-depression/

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