30 minutes | May 10, 2024

My daughter, who I thought was my son

Gretchen’s daughter is transgender. When she first told her parents, it came as a shock – but Gretchen wants to tell her daughter she’ll always be on her side.

But she worries that the outside world might be hostile. How can she protect her daughter, while also helping her grow?

Letter writer: Gretchen Namulanta Kombo is creating a "handbook to life" for her daughter with letters of advice and stories to help her navigate her life ahead. If you’ve got something you’d like to share with your daughter or daughters everywhere, please send Namulanta your letter: email us at deardaughter@bbc.co.uk, send us a Whatsapp on +44 800 030 4404, or go to bbcworldservice.com/deardaughter and click on “Send us your letters”. #DearDaughter Get in touch and let us know what you think on social media - #DearDaughter And please leave ratings and reviews.

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