27 minutes | Mar 13, 2024

#409: Why Fear Is a Greenlight That Says GO: Day 1 In Saudi Arabia With Heather!

In This Episode You Will Learn About: 

  • Why I was so wrong to be nervous about my trip to Saudi Arabia
  • My huge revelations from taking bold action at LEAP
  • Not letting fears get the best of you
  • Why you have to be able to roll with the punches


Show Notes: 

I’m back from Saudi Arabia! And let me tell you, I have a ton to share. You know that last week I was so nervous for this trip. But I have learned that worrying never helps anyone. It is so much better to just have faith it all will work out instead. And guess what? My first day in Saudi Arabia was incredible! A total whirlwind with some unexpected twists and bumps to be sure. I am so thankful for all the people who extended their hospitality to me and all I learned that day. Want to know everything that went down? Listen in! 

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