29 minutes | Jul 18, 2022

CC4 - Orlando Addison- El Actor y la Sombra

Hola mi Gente Fabulosa y Hermosa llega devuelta y parte de la Familia de Chombita Chronicles Podcast Orlando J. Addison con la presencia y contribución intelectual. Orlando is an ordained Episcopal priest, husband, father, and grandfather. Accolade Award-winning author “El actor y la Sombra” and “Canto Afro-Latino.” President and CEO Ernesto Gamboa Project, LLC. From Tela, Honduras, currently residing in Miami, Florida. https://twitter.com/oaddison?s=21&t=NTkv027bC_DFtg_X9w54Lg He is actively involved and oversees the media, arts, theater, and ethics board for Afrolatinx representation, working along with NBC/Telemundo Network. #afrohonduran #honduras #culturaafro #herenciacultural #afrolatinx NOTA IMPORTANTE LAS OPINIONES DADAS EN ESTE SHOW SON EXCLUSIVEIVAMENTE MIAS O EXCLUSIVAMENTE LAS DE MIS INVITADOS**** CHOMBITA CHRONICLES PODCAST ES UNA PRODUCCIÓN DE ALKIRIA MEDIA PRODUCTIONS - COMPAÑÍA INDEPENDIENTE SOCIEDAD ANÓNIMA. ***DISCLAIMER THE OPINIONS STATED inside of the show ARE SOLELY MINE AND SOLELY OF ALL MY GUESTS' OPINIONS. THIS PODCAST IS CREATED AND PRODUCED BY ALKIRIA MEDIA BRANDING AND CONSULTING, LLC*** SHOW PODCAST SPONSORS. https://instagram.com/worldofdoyley?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= PODCAST EDITING & VO SERVICES. https://linktr.ee/the.50fifty Acuérdate que también puedes apoyar mi show al entrar a mi link https://linktr.ee/yovyd --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/chombitachronicles/support
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